Minigame Index

Here are some minigames I've made that you are free to add to your ghosts if you'd like! Mostly they just require you to replace the dialogue, but there may be additional instructions in the files, so check carefully. Also note that I've improved a lot as a coder over time, so anything from before about 2022 could probably stand to have a lot of improvement. If you want to challenge yourself to improve my old code and make your own version, go right ahead!

I write in YAYA. Some of these minigames may also work on AYA, but I don't guarantee it. If you're still using AYA, you should upgrade to YAYA, to give you access to many improvements, quality of life changes, and security updates.

Note that newer minigames may also require updated versions of YAYA! If you're not on the latest version of YAYA, consider upgrading! As with upgrading from AYA, you get added features, bug fixes, and security updates.

Some of these minigames may be packaged as downloadable zip files, but others just say "View code". The ones that say "View code", you can simply copy and paste right out of your browser. They should direct you to a new page where you can select everything with Ctrl + A and then copy it out. If you want to download them, you can right click the "View code" button and click "Save link as..." or the equivalent in your browser.

These links in the top section act as a quick index that will jump you to the different entries on this list.

Continuous Petting

Initial release: January 5th, 2021
Last update: None

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This is an early bit of code I made to make it so that you can pet ghosts multiple times in a row and they'll notice and comment on it. They'll also track a high score for you, which is silly and fun. It's quite outdated, and I can make this much cleaner now. Maybe I'll update it someday, we'll see.

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Continuous Petting demonstration

Digits of Pi

Initial release: March 14th, 2024
Last update: None

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This is a little memorization minigame! You input the digits of Pi, one at a time, and they display in the balloon as you type. If you get one wrong, you lose! But it will tell you what it should have been, so you can get a bit farther next time. Comes with 10000 digits of Pi by default, but in theory you could set it to other strings! Or a more reasonable number of digits so that it's a winnable game.

Over the course of making this game, I went from 6 digits of Pi memorized to a bit over 40! It's surprisingly enticing to keep trying again and again.

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Digits of Pi demonstration


Initial release: November 4th, 2020
Last update: January 5th, 2021

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My very first real minigame, a hangman game. Made with the help of my friend Nimanao! This was how I learned to use loops. It's pretty simple, but it can be fun if you give your ghost a list of themed words!

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Hangman demonstration


Initial release: November 4th, 2020
Last update: November 6th, 2020

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This is a simple word jumble game! Give it a list of words, and then try to unscramble them! But despite its simplicity, guessing words when you don't know the category is really difficult. For an improved version of this game, see below.

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Jumble demonstration

Rock Paper Scissors

Initial release: November 4th, 2020
Last update: January 17th, 2021

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My setup for rock paper scissors, which keeps track of how many matches you've played in the current game session, how many you've won/lost/tied, and the dialogue is set up so that it's all in one function and changes dynamically based on who picked what. You can set up surfaces to go with this, so that if your ghost picks rock it'll show that with its hands, but I have not done so yet so I can't show that in the example.

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Rock Paper Scissors demonstration

Tic Tac Toe

Initial release: April 7th, 2024
Last update: None / v1.0.0

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A simple tic tac toe game! There are other implementations of tic tac toe out there, but mine aims for a hopefully more natural feel by letting the ghost comment on the moves it's making, and also not playing perfectly so that the user has a chance to win. Although, sometimes the moves it makes are pretty silly! How often the ghost will try to make smart moves is adjustable.

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Tic Tac Toe demonstration

Word Jumble

Initial release: April 7th, 2024
Last update: May 13th, 2024 / v1.0.1

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An improved version of my original Jumble minigame! This version prompts the user with a category, and asks them to solve 5 words in that category before they win. The number of words to guess is adjustable!

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Word Jumble demonstration