Function Index

These are a bunch of functions I've made, mostly utilities or various text effects, that you can use for free in your ghosts! Please note that many of them are rather old, and I've improved a lot as a coder over time. So keep an eye on the dates they were released/updated, and if it's older than 2022, be a little skeptical. But also, if you want to look at my code and challenge yourself to improve it, go right ahead! They're here for your use and for study if you want to learn more about how to code yourself.

I write in YAYA. Some of these functions may also work on AYA, but I don't guarantee it. If you're still using AYA, you should upgrade to YAYA, to give you access to many improvements, quality of life changes, and security updates.

Note that newer functions may also require updated versions of YAYA! If you're not on the latest version of YAYA, consider upgrading! As with upgrading from AYA, you get added features, bug fixes, and security updates.

Some of these bits of code may be packaged as downloadable zip files, but others just say "View code". The ones that say "View code", you can simply copy and paste right out of your browser. They should direct you to a new page where you can select everything with Ctrl + A and then copy it out. If you want to download them, you can right click the "View code" button and click "Save link as..." or the equivalent in your browser.

These links in the top section act as a quick index that will jump you to the different entries on this list.