Shell Index
Shells are the appearance portion of a ghost! But ghosts aren't tied to a single appearance; ghosts can have multiple shells, which allow you to switch between different looks, art styles, or even entire characters if the ghost is set up that way! It's pretty versatile.
This shell index isn't a list of every shell I've made, however. I make a distinction between bundled shells, and external shells. What does that mean? Well, bundled shells are shells that come with a ghost by default when you download and install it. You don't need to download them separately, and in many cases, there is no option to download them separately! These include the master shells that every ghost comes with, and can include additional ones as well. Bundled shells are not listed on this index.
External shells, on the other hand, are shells that must be downloaded and installed separately. This can happen for a number of reasons, whether the creator wanted to let users pick and choose which shells to download, or they made additional shells later on, or even if another developer decided to try their hand at making a shell for someone else's ghost! It's sort of like a form of fanart, and speaking from experience, having other folks make shells for my ghosts is one of the coolest feelings as a ghost dev.
Please note that these are distinct from freeshells. Freeshells are generic shells made for ghost devs to use to create ghosts of their own, whereas these are shells that I have created for use with a specific ghost, and are not free for use to make your own things with.
Also note that if you want to see all the shells for a particular ghost listed together, you can go to that ghost's page to see them listed there too, along with shells made by other folks! Provided it's a ghost belonging to me and therefore has a page on my site, of course.
These links in the top section act as a quick index that will jump you to the different entries on this list.