SAORI (Supplemental Archive Onto Restricted Intelligence) are a tool for ghost devs to use! They are used as a way to extend the ghost's capabilities beyond its chosen programming language. Since they can—in theory—be written in any coding language, the sky is the limit!

There are two different SAORI standards: SAORI-universal, which are .dll files, and SAORI-basic, which are .exe files. Most SHIORI support SAORI in some form, although which they support can vary. For example, SAORI-basic are natively supported by Satori, I believe.

YAYA, the language I typically work in, supports SAORI-universal natively, but not SAORI-basic. It can still run SAORI-basic through the use of a proxy SAORI, but this adds a little bit of lag into the process, which is unfortunate.

All of that being said, here are SAORI that I have made! Please note that antivirus programs tend not to like .exe files made in Python, so you may get false positives when downloading SAORI-basic. Please let me know if you do so that I can file a false positive report.

These links in the top section act as a quick index that will jump you to the different entries on this list.