
Based on the conversion notes from AYAYA, but modified to suit the new YAYA setup.

  1. In ghost/master/descript.txt, change shiori,aya5.dll to shiori,yaya.dll.
  2. Delete aya5.dll and put yaya.dll in its place. (yaya.dll download here - download the regular of the latest version).
  3. Rename aya5.txt to yaya.txt
  4. Download the system dictionary files here (you can click Code>Download Zip), exctract them, and copy the yaya_base folder into your ghost/master/ folder. Not the contents of it, the whole folder. You do not need the other files that you downloaded and can ignore them.
  5. In yaya.txt, delete dic, aya_shiori3.dic and replace it with dicdir, yaya_base
  6. In yaya_base/config.dic, make sure SHIORI3FW.AUTO_DATA_CONVERT is set to 1, and SHIORI3FW.REF_ACCEL is set to 0. If you want to know more about AUTO_DATA_CONVERT, you can read about it here. As far as I know, AYA uses AUTO_DATA_CONVERT, so you should turn it on unless you know for sure you do not need it.
  7. In your aitalk.dic, run a search for a function called AiTalk. If it is named AiTalk, rename it to OnAiTalk
  8. Run a search in your ghost's files for a function called OnChoiceSelect. If it does not exist, add this function into a file somewhere:
    //This bit of code is what makes menu options that don't start with On direct to Select.options instead. Remove or comment it if you prefer!
  9. Note: If your ghost was already released, you will need to add aya5.dll and aya5.txt to delete.txt, to ensure it'll be deleted on the user's end as well when they update.

To check and make sure this worked, try putting %(LICENSE[0]) into a dialogue or menu somewhere. If the update worked correctly, this should display the version number of the YAYA you just installed.

If you would like to be able to run embedded elements like the above directly in the script input box, there's a guide for that here

NOTE: If you're planning to set up network updates with GitHub, or you already use GitHub for your network updates, be very careful. If you're using a homeurl, it will give a 404 error because of the file _loading_order.txt. It does not like file names that start with underscores. Your options are to use the raw.githubusercontent url instead, or, you can copy the contents of _loading_order.txt into yaya.txt and delete _loading_order.txt. See my guide on using GitHub for network updates for more info.