Balloon Index

Balloons are the speech bubbles used by ghosts! Many English ghosts come with custom balloons, but balloons are separate from ghosts themselves, and—in general—you can use any balloon with any ghost. Note that this may result in odd text layouts at times if the ghost you're using planned for a specific balloon.

I love to make balloons. Many of the balloons listed here are the unique balloons that come bundled with my various ghosts, but many of them are ones I made just for fun! Some of the balloons are a bit old, but the difference in old balloons will mainly be older art and mess on the backend. They're still perfectly usable.

If you're a ghost developer looking for a balloon to use, feel free to use these! Unless marked otherwise, balloons listed on this page are free to redistribute with your own ghosts, as long as the credits in the readme are left intact. You can also make modifications to them to help them better suit your ghost. Please note that this is for releases bundled with a ghost; if you want to modify a balloon and distribute it separately, you will need permission from me first.

Since I've been asked what sort of modifications are ok before, here is a list! This is not comprehensive, it's just to give you an idea of how you can modify these balloons to suit your needs.

Go wild with it! If some modification will make my balloon work better for your ghost, then do it! Just make sure you change the name/folder of the balloon so that if people have the original installed, it won't be overwritten and they'll be able to tell yours apart in their balloon list.

These links in the top section act as a quick index that will jump you to the different entries on this list.